Are you considering dental implants? Maybe you have questions regarding dental implant surgery? Are you located in the St Louis area? Here are the answers to 5 common questions we receive about this procedure:.
1. Are There Risks Associated with Dental Implant Procedures?
All surgeries carry some risks. With dental implant surgery, the risks include infection, damage to surrounding teeth, nerve damage, or blood vessel damage. In some cases, dental implants placed in the upper jaw could interfere with sinus function.
2. Who Can Have Dental Implants?
As long as you have a stable jawbone and healthy oral tissues-- and you have no medical conditions that would complicate healing-- you may be an ideal candidate for dental implants. Smokers and heavy drinkers are generally not good candidates for implants.
3. How Do I Prepare for a Dental Implant?
Be sure to tell your dental implant dentist about all medical conditions, and any prescription and over-the-counter drugs and supplements you take. Your anesthesia options include local anesthetic injections, conscious sedation, or general anesthesia.
4. What Happens During the Implant Procedure?
First, if you have a damaged tooth, your dental implant dentist will remove it. Next, your jawbone will be prepared for the implant. After the bone heals sufficiently, a metal post will be placed. It may take several months for the bone to heal before the extension-- called an abutment-- is inserted into the post. The crown of the artificial tooth will be positioned on the post.
5. What Should I Expect While the Implant Site is Healing?
While your implant site heals, there will likely be a period of swelling, bleeding, and sensitivity. Once fully healed, your new implanted tooth will look, feel, and function just like a natural tooth.
Affordable dental implants can restore missing teeth and are often used to replace natural teeth when other procedures such as dentures and bridgework don't provide satisfactory results. A dental implant is a natural-looking artificial tooth that is attached to the jawbone with metal posts similar to screws.
Please give us a call at (314) 202-6627 to set up appointment today.
St Louis Affordable Dental Implants
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